Don’t lose your money! Grow your money guaranteed following the personalized financial plan we work out with you. You can be one of the savvy savers who gets to enjoy saving but also appreciates being able to have liquid access in three to five business days when family needs arise. This is unlike the “qualified plans” the government and the Wall Street Takeaway profess that include ordinary income taxes and a 10% penalty when withdrawing prior to age 59 and a half. When choosing a financial advisor, it is important to look at success stories and experience, and we have the history and data to prove how successful your overall savings plan can be.
An integral key to your secure financial future is working with a competent financial professional – someone who is a true advocate of your dreams, hopes and goals and who will depend and support you. Choosing a financial advisor who has the beliefs, morals and ethics you believe in, and who is centered on a lasting relationship in the roles of educator, advisor and advocate could make the difference in your financial growth!
As an educator your advisor’s focus should be on teaching you how to think instead of telling you what to think. He should be willing to challenge traditional thinking.
As your advisor your advocate should be knowledgeable on the economic trends and shifts that will influence your financial future, a specialist with strategic financial foresight when discussing the challenges of the future.
As your advocate your advisor should be in this for the long-term, communicating the importance of your everyday financial choices and helping you strategize your future with wisdom.
Choosing the right financial professional should be considered the opportunity of a lifetime.
I’ve been helping people amass rather than lose wealth for the last 30 years, and I believe I am the educator, advisor and advocate you require. But there are a few things to consider when choosing a financial advisor, and it’s more than the proven track record:
- Spend less, make more – When it comes to your money, I think we’d agree that you want to spend the least amount of money to create the greatest amount of wealth. I can guarantee that if you choose me as your financial professional, the wealth will come and it will be tax free.
- I’ll be a trustworthy guide – Everybody has dreams of financial success and creating a comfortable life in the future, and they want to get to the finish line. Traditional thinking and planning has failed, and in the process has destroyed dreams of a lifetime. How you finish will be determined by the strategy you choose to follow when starting and running the race. I can lead you through the mire of risk, taxes, penalties, fees, government regulations and the fluctuating buying power of the dollar.
- I’ll cross the finish line with you – I’ll help you get to the place whereby you can transition to your sunset/lifestyle change retire and live comfortably for the rest of your life without having to give up large chunks of it to the institutions that claim they’ve helped you get there. If you choose to work with me, in addition to having a trustworthy financial professional, I’ll also be your coach and advocate to get you exactly what you need.
Your Questions Answered
I want to make sure your questions and answered. I’m asking you to do things a little different with your money and I’m here to answer the inevitable questions that pop up.